Escrire Interface
- 09/05/2001 : Release
: Interface Escrire Version 1.3 is ready. You must download the whole package
What's new ?
- Follow the last changes of escrire.dtd and qesc.dtd. Now, connectors implemented are NOT, AND, OR,
EQ, MEMBER and TYPE (ALL and EXIST are not yet implemented, maybe in the next release ... as soon as possible !)
- Re-design the WHERE panel to take account of the new connectors
is a new pretty class. Thanks to Menu, View, Show
Individuals or Ctrl-V shortcut, you can view all the individuals discovered when parsing the
ontology. If you type the first letter(s) of a known object, the completion is automatic and the scrollbar
is positionning at the right place
- 27/04/2001 : Release : Interface Escrire Version 1.2 is ready. You must download the whole package
What's new ?
- All external files (dtd, stylesheet, ontology) are now local files in the ZIP archive
now stores all objects found in the ontology. The bug points by Rim is fixed
- 15/02/2001 : Release : Interface Escrire Version 1.1 is ready. You can download the interface.jar which just replace the old one, or download the whole package
What's new ?
is a sample server included in the jar file.
- usage = 'java MyServer'
- It'a a multithread server which just listens by default on port 4444 some queries. When the interface connects to this port, the server reads the escrire query as a XML stream, and sends it on both Altavista and MedLine. Finally, the results from these search engines are displayed on your HTML browser.
is a sample client included in the jar file.
- usage = 'java MyClient <serverName>'
- It'a a client which just sends a short message on host serverName on port 4444.
is a part of Escrire interface.
- when the interface connects on port 4444, it just sends the XML query as a stream and closes the socket.
- when the interface connects on another port, it sends the XML query stream and waits for the answer as a XML stream too, before displaying the HTML result and finally closes the socket.
- 27/10/2000 : Announcement : Interface Escrire Version 1.0 is ready. You can download the package
Minimum Requirements
Download Instructions
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Unzip the archive in the directory where you want to install the interface
Run the interface
- Step 1
- Add to your CLASSPATH variable these 3 jar files : 'xerces.jar'; 'xalan.jar'; 'interface.jar'
- Step 2
- Just type on a console this instruction : "java QueryInterface"
Configure the Interface
- Edit Preferences
- Set your browser application
- Set your ontology (any of URI, local, default URI or default local)
- Set and Select servers
- Connect a new server
- A server is a TCP server listening to a port. When the Interface connects to the port, it reads the query as a XML stream. Then it waits for the answer as a XML stream in the same socket. Finally, it closes the socket.
Download Sources
You can download java sources for the version 1.3, 1.2, 1.1 or 1.0.
A small documentation is available !
Not yet implemanted !
Some features are not yet implemented :
- Open Query : you can't load queries
- Load dynamically ontology : when you change your ontology path in Preferences Menu, you must exit and re-launch the interface (it will change soon);
- etc ...
Updated by Jerome . Euzenat À inrialpes . fr on 29/11/2001